Legal Notices
Active Legal Notices:
Graduates Prepared to Succeed Portal:
Pursuant to Indiana code, the district is required to make public the Indiana Department of Education's Graduates Prepared to Succeed (GPS) portal for our school corporation. This portal contains a number of important metrics related to the corporation and its graduates. Visit the GPS portal here.
Notice of Proposed Agreed Amendment of Bargaining Unit
The Greensburg Community School Corporation and the Greensburg Community Teachers Association have agreed to an amendment to the bargaining unit. More information about this amendment may be viewed here.
Curricular Materials Transparency:
Pursuant to House Enrolled Act 1001, Indiana school districts must make information available regarding the name and publisher of reading, writing, and remedial curricular materials. You may view this list here.
Naturalization Examination Results:
Indiana code requires Indiana high schools to disclose the results of the naturalization examination provided to students. Click here for this information.
Information on Dyslexia:
Indiana code requires school districts to disclose the publisher of dyslexia materials, how many dyslexia interventions were conducted in our district in 2022-2023, and how many students were identified with dyslexia.
The district uses Orton-Gillingham - M.A. Rooney and Heggerty for dyslexia interventions. 72 GCSC students received dyslexia interventions in 2023-2024. Zero students were diagnosed with dyslexia.
2025 Capital Projects and Bus Replacement Plans
Each year, all Indiana schools districts are required by law to make their Capital Projects Plan and Bus Replacement Plan available for public review. The plans linked were approved by the Board of School Trustees on September 10, 2024.
Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinator:
The following individual shall serve as "Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinator" for Greensburg Community School Corporation, hereinafter referred as the "Complaint Coordinator":
Mr. Tom Hunter, Superintendent
Greensburg Community Schools
1312 W. Westridge Parkway
Greensburg, IN 47240
The Complaint Coordinator will be available during regular school/work hours to discuss concerns related to unlawful harassment to assist members of Greensburg Community Schools and third parties who seek support or advice when informing another individual about "unwelcome" conduct, or to intercede informally on behalf of the member of Greensburg Community Schools or third party.
DLGF Gateway Dashboard:
Pursuant to Indiana law, the corporation is required to provide access to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance's Indiana Gateway Dashboard for Local Tax and Finance. You may find this dashboard here.
Liason for Homeless Children:
The district's McKinney-Vento Liaison for homeless children is listed below. Please direct all communications to this corporation representative:
Tammy Williams
Greensburg Community Schools
1312 W Westridge Parkway
Greensburg, IN 47240
(812) 663-4774
Greensburg Community Schools: Federal COVID-19 Relief Spending:
Across Indiana, $2.8 billion in federal funding has been allocated to local school districts to help address schools’ COVID-19 related needs.
Here at Greensburg Community Schools, we have been allocated $5,637,785.18 from three rounds of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding – which is based on the district’s share of the state’s Title I allocation – and federal Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funds.
Over the last two years, we developed plans for how to strategically and sustainably deploy these funds to successfully accelerate student learning, support our educators, make a sustainable impact on innovation across our schools, and update technology and other infrastructure.
See Our Plans Below :
ESSER I (Cares Act)
Through our locally-developed plans, we are investing in
Personnel to support student success
Curricular materials to accelerate student learning
Technology to engage students
Cleaning and sanitization to keep everyone safe and healthy
Looking ahead, we plan to continue employing more people to teach and support our students as well as invest in a curriculum that is research based and will assist with student learning. Per federal law, we have through September 2022 to encumber the first round of ESSER funding and through September 2023 and September 2024, respectively, to encumber the second and third rounds of their ESSER grants.
Funds are available for all school districts through a reimbursement process for approved expenses in the spending plan. Track Greensburg Community Schools’ current uses and reimbursements of these funds here.
As part of the district's ESSER plan, the district must provide its COVID-19 handbook each school year. For the 2023-2024 handbook, please click here.
For more information on Greensburg's federal COVID-19 relief funding, please contact Andrea Phillips, Director of Finance.
Health Insurance
Machine Readable Files (MRF) Compliance Requirement
MRF files are designed to be public files in a format determined by federal authorities such as
CMS and the DOL to be read by computers and are NOT intended to be for plan participants.
No Personal Health Information (PHI) is contained in these files. Only provider pricing
information is disclosed.