District Goals
“Think Opportunity”
Mission Statement
The mission of the Greensburg Community School Corporation (GCSC) is to promote learning through quality educational and life-skill programs that prepare our students to be effective, successful, and responsible citizens.
Core Values of GCSC Stakeholders
High Expectations- All stakeholders will work to master or exceed required educational standards using best practices.
Accountability- Stakeholders are responsible for utilizing and managing resources to make data driven and financially prudent decisions.
Shared Leadership- Stakeholders will collaborate and strive to achieve school and community goals through professional learning opportunities and civic/social engagement.
Continuous Improvement- Stakeholders will persistently strive to advance by using research- based assessment tools, current data results, and consistent oversight in a never-ending effort for growth.
Social Responsibility- All stakeholders will share an obligation to promote and enhance positive character traits, tolerance of differences, a commitment to personal safety; and global citizenship.
Alignment- Our school community will use all resources to implement the mission, vision, values, goals and strategies, to move in a unified direction to provide an efficient and effective educational program.
In light of the stated mission and core values of GCSC, the Board of School Trustees set the following goals for the 2024-2025 school year:
• Curriculum
Provide academic programs to our students that are aligned with national and state standards to provide learning opportunities that ensure their competitiveness in a global market place. The following goals will be addressed:
1. GCSC will provide rigorous content at all grade levels that culminates in increased success on the state standardized tests (3-8) and the SAT high school exit assessment. The goal will be to be at State Average on each of the Standardized Tests grade levels.
2. GCSC will continue to monitor the evolving graduation requirements and new diploma tracks at GHS. GHS will continue working towards the state average on Core 40 diploma achievement by GHS graduates through the 2025-2026 school year.
3. GCSC will monitor graduation rates to meet or exceed state graduation rates. Goal for 2025 cohort is 95%.
4. GCSC will obtain STEM Certification at GJHS by the end of the 2024-2025 school year and start the certification process at GHS during the 2024-2025 school year. GES will continue their emphasis on STEM for 2024-2025 so that reissuance of certification will be seamless for 2029.
5. GES will promote and continue developing a viable Early Childhood program so that all four (4) year old’s have an opportunity for pre-school in GCSC.
• Staff
Provide on-going staff development to promote student academic improvement in the areas where the GCSC has growth potential:
1. Decisions made at the building level will be data driven and include solicited input from the entire staff.
2. GCSC will recruit and retain outstanding teachers and staff by providing feedback through an informative evaluation process. GCSC will maintain a competitive salary and benefit package for all employees.
3. Each new teacher will be assigned a mentor by GCSC.
4. GCSC will provide weekly PLC time so that teachers and staff can network and interact to address school, grade level, and subject level concerns.
5. An employee satisfaction survey will be given to all GCSC teachers prior to the end of the school year. An exit survey will be administered to all teaching staff who leave the Corporation. Data from each will be shared with the Board of Trustees.
• Finance
Maintain a stable cash balance for GCSC through the continued use of sound budgetary practices:
1. Promote, practice and show evidence of the prudent use of the community’s financial resources in GCSC practices.
2. Maintain a cost containment plan to address deficit spending to maintain at least a 20% cash balance in the Education Fund.
3. Address contractual concerns that create or alleviate unfunded liabilities for GCSC and negotiate changes that need to be examined:
a. Keeping Health Insurance costs at or below the 112% rate of the Indiana State Health Insurance Plan.
b. Continue to work towards a $50,000 starting teacher salary.
c. Keeping Workman Compensation Insurance costs at minimum. Examine ways to reduce Workman Compensation claims.
d. Keeping tuition support from state spending towards teacher salaries/benefits at 62% or higher.
e. Keeping transfer level from the Education Fund to the Operations Fund below the 15% threshold.
4. Examine the possibility for a two (2) year contract for teachers beginning in 2025-2026 school year.
5. Examine fringe benefit costs and ways of providing greater incentives to GCSC employees.
• Technology
GCSC will deploy and maintain the most effective infrastructure, security, hardware, and software throughout the Corporation. In pursuit of this goal, the technology department will:
1. Assist administration, staff, and students with training and support.
2. Support and encourage 21st Century STEM learning throughout our district.
3. Provide and embed STEM training to all staff necessary for STEM certification at all levels.
4. Increase fiber optic infra-structure where it is needed in the district. Examine the cost of connecting the GCSC Transportation Center.
• Policy and Procedures
Audit and maintain existing policies. Align policies, administrative guidelines and student handbooks at each building for congruency.
• Public Relations
GCSC realizes the important role our community plays in the overall education of our students. We want to engage all facets of our community in this process. The GCSC Public Relations program will:
1. Promote activities that will get the public into our schools so that they can experience the innovative and challenging programs that are being provided to our students.
2. Promote our partnerships with local industry to enhance vocational opportunities and Work Based Learning.
3. Promote our partnership with Centerstone Mental Health Services and Decatur County Memorial Hospital.
4. Promote our brand “Think Opportunity’ through social media and other available ways of advertising.
5. GCSC will utilize the new website that is being developed as soon as it can be brought online.
6. Promote the GHS JAG program to the community and industry/businesses for partnerships.
7. Utilize the GTV station to promote GCSC and the activities/programs that are provided to our students.
8. Promote the utilization of our new FM radio station at GHS.
9. Promoting the Portrait of a Graduate throughout our media capabilities.
• Safe School Environment
Provide on-going needed annual maintenance and upgrading of current facilities:
1. GCSC provides a safe school environment through:
a. Partnering with Emergency Services for building safety and security.
b. The use of the Raptor building entry network in GCSC Buildings.
c. The use of the Raptor App during Emergency situations by employees. All GCSC employees will be trained on using the App prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
d. Safe Schools training for all GCSC employees.
e. Partnering with the City of Greensburg to provide an SRO for each school buildings.
2. Maintain the comprehensive preventive maintenance plan developed for GCSC.
3. Finish the following projects for 24-25:
a. Upgrades at Greensburg Community Learning Center.
b. Upgrades to the door access and camera systems in all GCSC buildings will be completed.
• Extra-Curricular
Maintain, refine and provide accessibility for all students with regard to extra-curricular programs:
1. Examine sustainability costs for all ECA programs across the district.
2. Strive to make sure that student participation in ECA is not limited because of cost.
3. Use the Sallee Trust for athletic and music needs where appropriate for 2024-2025.
4. Budget funds to promote and support the Fine Arts across GCSC.
5. Examine how the Music, Dance, and Cheerleading programs can be utilized most effectively at GJHS and GHS.
6. Examine salary discrepancies that may exist from one ECA program to another. Make changes where possible in the 2024-2025 school year.
7. Audit all ECA programs for continued number of competitions available to our students. A comprehensive tracking of all students involved in ECA at GJHS and GHS. Information submitted to the Board at the end of the year.